Here are some Twitch API examples you can try. And the source for those examples

Most of this examples will prompt for Twitch Auth to get a Token to use to call the API with

Generally those Authentication Links will open a new window, which oAuth Redirect URI's to this window, which will extract the oAuth Access Token from the URL and magic pass it to the original window

Auth Type Things
How to Implicit authSourceFor Client Side apps/websites
Token Checker and KillerSourceValidate Tokens and revoke then, handy if you find stuff in the wild that shouldn't be there!
Examply Things
Building a clone of the Directory viewSourcePretty simple, shows how to "chain" API's together
Some Calendar/Schedule StuffSource
Channel Information WidgetSource
Team PageSourceA clone of the team page, rougly, for showing how/where to get various data from
Player Things
A VOD Player that Skips Muted SegmentsSourceEnough Said it plays VOD's
Twitch Player/parentSourceImplements most of the Embed JS player functions for test/example purposes
Twitch Player on Google SitesSourceA demo of how to do Players on Google Sites as they have nested iFrames and a dynamic URL on one of them...
Streamer Tool Type Things
Near Clone of the DashboardSourceThe Dashboard core parts (edit stream info) but via the API
Simple Poll Tool/Results DisplaySourceA simple tool to create a poll and monitor the results
Simple Channel Points ManagerSourceA simple tool to manage rewards
Simple UnBan Requests ManagerSourceA simple tool to manage unban requests
Get my Stream KeySourceA simple demo to auth the user and show the user their own stream key.
Clips NavigatorSourceA simple demo fetch and display clips using started_at and ended_at parameters.
Guest Star
Guest Star ControllerSourceWIP implementation of the Guest Star API/EventSub. Uses EventSub Websockets for real time updates.
Guest Star OBS Setup AssistantSource
EventSub WebSocket Transport Things
The BasicsSourceA basic EventSub WebSocket connector
The Chat TopicsSourceTesting the new Chat Topics
Notes about how Authentication works for Chat over EventSub Found Here
An Activity FeedSourceProcessing chat.notif and chat.message to build an activity feed
Creator Goals EventSub WebSocketSourceA EventSub WebSocket CreatorGoals Example
Charity EventSub WebSocketSourceA EventSub WebSocket Charity Example
Simple Poll Tool/Results DisplaySourceA simple tool to create a poll and monitor the results via EventSub WebSocket.
Extension Type Things
Extensions Config ToolSourceA replacement for the Rig's tool - desktop version

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